Download RealTrends Verified Ranking Data*

  • Access the complete list of over 28,000 top real estate brokerages & professionals nationwide
  • View both transaction sides and sales volume for individuals, teams, or brokerages
  • Review rankings organized by state in an Excel spreadsheet


Why access the complete RealTrends dataset?


Identify the top producers in any market with the most trusted annual list backed by verified production volume.


Track performance against competitors and spotlight successes and expertise to win market share.

Relationship Building

Pinpoint potential partnerships and growth opportunities with the most successful agents and teams in the country.

Market Research

Inform your market modeling and projections with verified market data points nationwide.

Instant Brokerage Data Downloads

All brokerage downloads contain each brokerage name, sides, volume, rank, affiliation, city, and state for each brokerage submitted the download year. Brokerages data is compiled year over year so you can easily track annual growth & performance.

Instant Agent & Team Data Downloads

All agent & team downloads contain each agent or team name, brokerage name, sides, volume, rank, affiliation, city, and state for each agent or team submitted the download year. Download provides a single year snapshot of agent and team performance.