CEOs from Association of Realtors® Gather for Mastermind Group
Ten CEOs of large state Association of Realtors® had their foundational meeting in Des Moines, Iowa from September 8-10, 2019. Gavin Blair, CEO of the Iowa Association of Realtors®, hosted the inaugural meeting.
The group, known as The Assembly, is comprised of CEOs Jeremy Walker of
Alabama Realtors®, Margy Grant of
Florida Realtors®, Gary Clayton of the
Illinois Realtors®, Gavin Blair of the
Iowa Association of Realtors®, Rob Campeau of Michigan Realtors®, John Sebree of Missouri Realtors®, Teresa McKee of the Nevada Association of Realtors®, Scott Williams of Ohio Realtors®, Jenny Pakula of the
Oregon Association of Realtors®, and Chris Kyler of the
Utah Association of Realtors®.
The Assembly focuses on sharing general information in the areas of public policy, advocacy, and general business trends, as well as best practices for improving member services. Twice a year, the members perform an organized review and tour of the host member to give input into strategic planning, organization health, and business issues in a formal review process.
“When I was CEO at Florida Realtors®, we were in a group like this, and the sharing, interaction, and critique were hugely valuable to me in that role. I thought that Steve and I could build other groups of Realtor CEOs in a similar format.” Murray echoed that, “REAL Trends has established and facilitated CEO groups for the past 30 years for both brokerage and Realtor CEOs. We know the incredibly innovative and important ideas that these forums bring to the members.”
The Assembly will meet twice a year with the next meeting set for late spring 2020.