7 Habits Shared by Successful Real Estate Agents

July 11, 2019 by Tracey Velt
7 Habits Shared by Successful Real Estate Agents
You’re ready to change a lot of things (your marketing tools, your approach to communication, your real estate software), but not your way of working. Too bad, because it is an essential lever to operate. Here are seven habits shared by real estate professionals!
Establish a morning routine to get the day off to a good start
It is said that the world belongs to those who get up early. This is wrong: it belongs to those who start their day right foot, regardless of the time when the alarm clock sounds!
Establishing a specific morning routine allows you to consolidate the rest of your real estate agent day by leaning on a rigorous and secure foundation. Listen to information, read the newspaper, take an espresso at the café across the street, cut the fat with merchants, etc.
Be a real estate agent to listen to prospects
A successful realtor is an agent who understands one thing: that his job is not to sell real estate, but to meet the needs of the men and women who use his services.
Vendors and buyers approach your agency to give you the project of a lifetime – it’s not something to take lightly. The satisfaction of your customers must be your guide, their complement your daily philosophy. And each of them must have the impression that it is unique to you. If you have integrated this approach, then you have understood everything.
Plan your priorities according to the objectives of your real estate business
You will not be surprised to learn that a successful real estate agent is also passionate about planning. Good planning makes it possible to organize your day efficiently and to be able to fit in all the really important tasks, in order to leave the agency at night with the satisfaction of having done the essentials. For instance:
Providing free slots allows time for recurring tasks, certainly less interesting, but it must be done all the same if you want to prevent records from accumulating to the ceiling.
Work in a smart way
There is “hard work” and “smart work”. The two approaches do not conflict, but it is clear that a successful real estate agent knows how to privilege the second. By working “smarter”, you give priority to what is really important.
This is true for real estate data, which must be collected with relevance (targeting what is “smart data “). This is also true for your prospect database, which must be properly segmented:
Prospect your sector first
If you try to cover a maximum of ground hoping to get back more mandates, you will be told that you are not going in the right direction. An effective real estate agent is one who focuses his efforts on his prospecting sector, instead of looking at the neighbor to see if the grass is greener.
By focusing your real estate business on a specific area around your agency, you can save time (less mobility), increase your knowledge of the sector and the market, expand your network, increase your reputation, build relationships trust with the inhabitants, and seize the opportunities that arise.
Follow the innovations of the real estate sector
To manage your real estate business effectively, you have to be a real estate agent attentive to changes and innovations. You must constantly develop and update your knowledge of legal, tax, regulatory, but also technological.
When an owner signs an exclusive mandate, he counts on two things:
  1. your professionalism (expertise, know-how, etc.)
  2. and your ability to take charge of his property to sell it, using all the relevant levers.
For this reason, it is crucial to be at the forefront of the news in all the areas that concern you directly – virtual reality and consorts for the promotion of goods, marketing strategies, etc.
Measure performance to continually improve
The real estate agent is like an athlete who prepares the Olympic Games: he must be permanently focused on his performances. This is what allows him to know exactly where he is, how much is left to reach his goal, and what are the best ways to achieve it.
For this, no secret: it must measure its performance, analyze the marketing actions, collect numbers and refocus its strategy as often as necessary. For this purpose, some indicators are more telling than others: the number of contacts taken, signed mandates, goods sold; conversion rate via the website or emails; etc. It’s up to you to determine which ones are most relevant to your real estate business!
About the Writer
Shahid Maqbool is head of marketing at ZoomProperty. As an entrepreneur and a businessman, he likes to share his knowledge and experience in the field of digital marketing.
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