RTC Consulting Partner Steve Murray explains why brokerages and other organizations must focus on their primary challenge, not subsidiary issues, in order to accomplish their objective.
If the pandemic taught real estate leaders anything, it’s that a singular focus on adapting overnight to business interruptions offer a clarity in the way to handle issues going forward. When you singular focus is on not losing your shirt due to shutdowns, business strategies become crystal clear!
How about using that focus throughout the year? This video by Steve Murray offers a look at a real estate leader and how he helped his team get the mud out of the water. In other words, focus on your primary challenge, not all the peripheral issues that get in the way.
The 4DX method can help. The book, called The Four Disciplines of Execution, and program, is based on the following disciplines:
According to Gino Blefari, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices:
Successful WIG or Wildly Important Goal completion is all in the execution. Of course, strategy is important but like that shiny, new eBook that wasn’t downloaded, you can have the greatest strategy ever known to humankind but if it’s not executed and your team members aren’t held accountable for its execution, you have nothing. When it comes to completing goals, it’s a matter of execution and accountability. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do the thing and you will have the power. But they that do not the thing, had not the power.”
4. A proper WIG call has three components:
1. Report.
2. Review the scoreboard and
3. Plan for next week.
When done right, a WIG call can be a well-oiled machine. Most of the WIG calls I participate on with our team members last no more than 20 minutes. It’s this kind of efficiency that’ll help you really achieve your goals. Remember, casualness creates casualties. Keep your WIG meetings on a strict, regular agenda.
To view the entire Lessons Learned series, go to Lessons Learned.