Homes Near Trader Joes Equal Better Resale

New ATTOM Data Solutions Analysis Examines the Grocery Store Impact on the U.S. Housing Market

ATTOM Data Solutions,  released its 2019 Grocery Store Battle analysis, which examines whether living near a Trader Joe’s, a Whole Foods or an ALDI can affect a home’s value – as a homebuyer based on seller ROI and home equity, or as an investor looking for the best home flipping returns and home price appreciation.

For this analysis, ATTOM looked at current average home values, 5-year home price appreciation from YTD 2019 vs. YTD 2014, current average home equity, home seller profits, and home flipping rates on 1,859 zip codes nationwide with a least one Whole Foods store, one Trader Joe’s store and one ALDI store. (See full methodology enclosed below.)

Click here to view the infographic visualizing the results of this analysis.

For Homebuyers

Homes near a Trader Joe’s realized an average home seller ROI of 51 percent, compared to homes near a Whole Foods with an average home seller ROI of 41 percent and ALDI at 34 percent. The average home seller ROI for all zip codes with these grocery stores nationwide is 37 percent.

Homes near a Trader Joe’s have added equity, owning an average 37 percent equity in their homes ($247,445), while homes near Whole Foods had an average of 31 percent equity ($187,035) and homes near ALDI had average 20 percent equity ($53,650). The average equity for all zip codes with these grocery stores nationwide is 25 percent.

For Investors

Properties near an ALDI are an investor’s cornucopia with an average gross flipping ROI of 62 percent, compared to properties near a Whole Foods which had an average gross flipping ROI of 35 percent and Trader Joe’s at 31 percent. The average gross flipping ROI for all zip codes with these grocery stores nationwide is 52 percent.

Properties near an ALDI have seen an average 5-year home price appreciation of 42 percent, compared to 33 percent appreciation for homes near a Trader Joe’s, and 31 percent appreciation for homes near a Whole Foods. The average appreciation for all zip codes with these grocery stores nationwide is 38 percent.

Report methodology

For this analysis ATTOM Data Solutions looked at current average home values, 5-year home price appreciation from YTD 2019 vs. YTD 2014, current average home equity, home seller profits, and home flipping rates on 1,859 zip codes nationwide with a least one Whole Foods store, one Trader Joe’s store and one ALDI store. Grocery store locations are from the USDA (