Generating New Listings

How three brokerage firms are harnessing their data to create and win new listing opportunities.

  • Find out how top brokerage firms are finding innovative new ways to reach prospective sellers and win their business.
  • How to develop a system that can take the data your brokerage already has and turn it into meaningful information.
  • Leveraging artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to understand buyers and sellers to determine when they are ready to buy and sell.

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Key opportunities for real estate professionals to generate new business efficiently and at scale 

How do marketing practices, database size and the utilization of automation technology play into performance for the nation’s top-ranking real estate agents and teams? A series of surveys revealed commonalities and best practices that may contribute to higher productivity. These results highlight key opportunities for real estate professionals who are ready to generate new business […]

Dec 17, 2021 Published by BoomTown